This week, I thought I would give you another update on my chickens and chicken coop.
As I mentioned in a previous post, my husband and I made a bargain to get some chickens, as soon as he completed a chicken coop out of free wood pallets. He did construct a chicken house, and we did buy the chicks. Unfortunately, the chicken coop was not quite ready for chickens, and required a major overhaul. We decided it needed more work than he could do with pallet wood, so he bought different materials and started from scratch.
When the coop is finished, it will be painted purple and have a shingled roof. It will have an enclosed pen, on the outside, made of hard wire cloth and wood, several wire covered windows/vents, and an indoor roosting bar for sleeping. The coop should be complete by next week.

In the meantime, we have 7 large chickens, one died a few weeks ago, that are ready to move out of our garage. I don’t blame them; I would dislike living there too. We have also purchased 2 more baby chicks, since we did not get one of the chickens we wanted during our first purchase. When we are finished with the coop, 2 or 3 of our larger chickens will be gifted to a friend. So, we will eventually have 6 or 7 chickens living in our new coop.
If you are considering a chicken adventure of your own, do some serious research before you begin. It has been a challenging and exhausting process for us. Building a chicken coop and taking care of chickens requires a tremendous amount of work. The chickens have cost more time, money, and patience than we anticipated. Although we are a little frustrated with our endeavor, it promises to be more rewarding when the chickens start laying eggs. We have got our eyes on the prize.
Next week’s post will be my 25th blog post.
In honor of the milestone, I will have a drawing for a small gift card. To be eligible for the drawing, you must be signed up for my email list. I will choose a winner at random on Thursday and announce the winner in my next post. See you next week!
I am so excited to see the purple coop and meet the chickens.