Happy 25th blog post! To celebrate reaching 25 blog posts, I entered all of my email and WordPress subscribers into a random gift card drawing. The winner will receive a $15 gift card to his/her coffee house of choice. I asked my good friend, Carolyn, to pick the winner’s name, just to make the selection fair. So, here is the winner of the $15 gift card. Drum roll please… And the winner is… David Roland! I will be contacting you, David, for prize delivery. Congratulations to our winner! Thank you to everyone that has signed up for my email and READ MORE
Garage Fever
This week, I thought I would give you another update on my chickens and chicken coop. As I mentioned in a previous post, my husband and I made a bargain to get some chickens, as soon as he completed a chicken coop out of free wood pallets. He did construct a chicken house, and we did buy the chicks. Unfortunately, the chicken coop was not quite ready for chickens, and required a major overhaul. We decided it needed more work than he could do with pallet wood, so he bought different materials and started from scratch. When the coop is READ MORE
Clip Away
Tonight, as I was cleaning up my landscaping, I noticed that my rose bush needed serious attention. A few weeks ago, after spotting numerous bug bitten leaves, I sprinkled rose bush fertilizer and bug repellent on the plant. Once I applied the chemical, I left the bush alone to recover. I didn’t really pay attention to its progress until I looked over it this evening. I noticed something as I carefully studied my rose bush; it had grown. It was no longer a small bare plant, but a large, flower covered, bush that had doubled in size. Several beautiful roses READ MORE
Guest Post – Mother’s Day by Nickie Roland
Recently, I decided to ask a few important people in my life to write guest posts for my blog. Nickie Roland, the author of this week’s post, bravely accepted the invitation. Since this is Nickie’s first time writing for a blog, feel free to leave her some encouraging words in the comments. I am sure she would love the positive feedback. Happy reading! A few weeks ago, Crystal asked me to be a guest blogger on her blog. I gladly accepted, despite being a little nervous. My name is Nickie Roland. I am married to a wonderful man named David, READ MORE
Trip to the Emergency Room
Tonight’s post is going to be very short. This evening, I had to take my husband to the Emergency Room for some medical issues, and then I spent some time with him after the visit. Thankfully, he is doing better, but I did not have time to write my usual post. I hope you can understand. Sometimes, we need to put our family first. See you soon! READ MORE