Welcome to 2016

Welcome to 2016! I have been taking a few days to reflect on 2015 and considering the things I want to see happen in the coming year. So, I thought I would share some of my list with you. These items are NOT resolutions; they are goals I want to work toward and hope to see accomplished. For me, resolutions are easier to break than goals. 1) I would like to become a more consistent writer. For you the reader, this means I am going to try to publish a blog post weekly, preferably on the same day of the READ MORE


In my last blog post, I shared a clip from my trip to New York City. So, you might ask, how and why did I end up in New York City? Once a year, the Wounded Warrior Project, an organization that supports wounded post 9/11 veterans and their families, teams up with the Writers Guild Initiative for a two-part writers workshop/retreat. The retreat consists of two all-expenses-paid weekend trips, six months apart, and is open to the wounded veteran’s support person, also referred to as a caretaker. The event is applied for through the Wounded Warrior Project, and upon acceptance, READ MORE


Last night, we took a trip on the Staten Island Ferry. The Statue of Liberty is gorgeous at night. Unfortunately, I was unable to get a closer shot of her, in the video. In my next blog post, I will share some more details about my trip to New York. So, be sure to check it out! Disclaimer – Any YouTube advertisements attached to this video are not affiliated with the author or blog. READ MORE


Welcome to my blog. My name is Crystal Keepes, and I am learning to be a better writer, wife, and mom. This blog was created to help you, the reader, walk through your journey. I hope you find the content both inspiring and entertaining.   READ MORE