
Recently, a dear friend was telling me about some obstacles she and her family are facing. Very frustrated and feeling overwhelmed, she asked me for some advice on how to deal with her circumstances. I shared several strategies with her, such as prayer and patience, and then I brought up the T-word – Thankfulness.

Sure, we express thankfulness for things like presents, open doors, and tax refunds. We are thankful to be alive and for our loved ones, but how often are we thankful for life’s tough situations.

As humans, we often react to painful experiences by isolating ourselves, shutting down, or lashing out, rather than being drawn to gratitude.

Take a moment to consider the last time you were thankful for a frustrating circumstance or a devastating loss. Was it hard to come up with a time when you were? For some of you, it may be easy to be thankful in tough times; however, for many of my readers, thankfulness might not come as easy.

In my case, I can remember several times when I did not feel like being thankful and reacted out of my pain. I was able to be thankful after the situations were resolved, but I was miserable in the meantime. Then, I began to learn the benefits of embracing gratitude DURING my challenges.

What, you might ask, is the benefit of thankfulness when you are struggling to pay bills, angry at your spouse, or mourning a loss?

I’m glad you asked.

Thankfulness makes it easier to find solutions, to forgive others, and to treasure memories. It helps you breathe easier, work harder, and love more. Gratitude helps you smile and laugh, even when the world seems to be against you. It helps you find peace and joy. Thankfulness helps you find clarity and truth, instead of being stuck in your overwhelming problems. It is a wonderful weapon against discouragement, hopelessness, despair, loneliness, anger, fear, self-hatred, and so much more.

So, the next time you face a difficult situation or an impossible circumstance, try taking a deep breathe and finding some things you can be thankful for while you are going through your struggle.

Although thankfulness may not fix your problem, it can help you persevere through it.

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT Bible)

3 thoughts on “Thankfulness

  1. courtney says:

    I try and stop and take deep breaths during challenging times/moments and sometimes I realize how grateful I am that I am able to take those breaths in the midst of hardship because that means I am not defeated and for that I am …always thankful! God gives such wonderful hope in those breaths when we take them. Thank you Crystal.

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