
Transition – to make a change from one state, place, or condition to another

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

When you see the word transition, what comes to mind? Do you think of it as a positive experience or a negative one?

For me, the word transition is a bit uncomfortable. Transition means that I have to move out of my comfort zone. It means a new struggle, and it means I am leaving behind a familiar identity.

Recently, during a conversation with a trusted mentor, I realized that I am going through a season of transitions. It is not a transition in only one part of my life, but in almost every part. Just when I think things are settling down to a comfortable norm, WHAM, I am whisked into another change. Transition can be exhausting and a little scary. Who am I kidding? It can be VERY scary.

Although a part of me wants to move on to bigger and better life adventures, I am realizing that I may still be too comfortable with where I am. Transitioning relationships, possible geographical moves, greater responsibilities, and personal goal shifts are tough to face.  Deep down, something inside of me is looking for a five year plan with minimal risk and pain. I don’t want to take my next steps, into unknown possibilities, without having guardrails to grab.

Can anyone relate?

Whether I like it or not, everything is changing. Deep down, I realize that transition is necessary and inevitable. I don’t want to stay the same person I am today, and I must keep moving forward to become a better version of me. However, it would be nice to have a remote control with a time-out or half-speed button for transitional seasons, so I could take more time to adjust between each shift. I wonder if they sell them on Amazon or EBAY? Probably not.

As I move closer to every step, I know I will find the grace to take each one. I am praying for less fear and more faith, while believing that God has guardrails waiting for the times when I need them. I am letting go of what I can’t take with me, and I am determined to embrace what looks impossible in front of me. I am facing my fears, leaving my comfort zone, and choosing the scary adventure. How about you?

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