Time for Israel

In a few days, I will be taking my first trip to Israel.

The last two weeks have been a flurry of activity. I didn’t realize it would take so much preparation for a 10-day trip overseas. The last time I went overseas was for a 3-year relocation to Germany, which required extensive planning.

Thankfully, my bags are now packed, and I am ready to go.

I am so excited!

I have dreamed of visiting Israel for most of my adult life. For me, this trip is not only another journey overseas but a pilgrimage with great religious significance. As a Christian who honors and celebrates Jewish history, I look forward to seeing where the forefathers of my faith lived.

A Brief Overview of Jewish and Christian Roots

According to the Bible, the Jewish nation began when God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham, the Jews’ patriarch, promising to produce a great nation through him and his descendants. The Jews would be God’s chosen nation, his “Holy People.”

According to the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus was the only begotten son of God and was brought to Earth through this Jewish lineage. Jesus spent his entire Earthly life and ministry in the Israeli region. Then, after his death and resurrection, his Jewish followers came to believe that Jesus was their promised savior, the Messiah.

Eventually, Jesus’ message was preached to the Gentiles, people not born of the Jewish faith. According to the New Testament of the Bible, the people who believe Jesus is fully God and man, believe in his death and resurrection, believe he is their Redeemer of sins, and accept him as Lord of their lives will be saved and go to Heaven for eternity. These believers are referred to as Christians (Christianos), meaning “Followers of Christ” (The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible).

The Next Two Weeks

The next two weeks are going to be an adventure. Although I am not exactly sure what will happen on my trip, I do think it will be life-changing. I can’t wait to share the details with you.

As for my blog, I am hoping to post a video from Israel next week, provided I have the time and wifi capabilities.

The following week, I will have a guest blogger filling in for me. Her name is Victoria York, and she is going to share an excerpt from her upcoming book, Seven Days of Fearlessness. I really enjoyed reading it, and I hope you will too.

One thought on “Time for Israel

  1. Heather Smith says:

    I hope you enjoy your trip. I hope it is a blessing to you. You’re very inspiring speaking what the Lord has asked you to speak to all of us. You are a blessing. Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself until we speak again. Thank you for sharing your blog with us each and every week.

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